Before moving, it is important to make sure that you get rid of any items that you no longer need or want so that you only have to move the essential items when you move. Just because you are not interested in items, it doesn’t mean that someone else wouldn’t be. You can make some money by trying to sell the items that you do not want before you move. The following guide walks you through a few different options that are available to you when it comes to selling the items.
1. Sell the Items in a Yard Sale
One of the easiest ways to get rid of the items that you no longer need or want is to have a yard sale. At the yard sale, you will have to haul the items out to your yard and set them up for everyone to see. You need to be sure to label the items before your yard sale starts so that you do not have to answer questions about how much each item costs constantly. Toward the end of the day, be willing to take less for the items so that you do not have to deal with the hassle of hauling them all back into the house.
2. Sell the Items Online
There are many great online websites where you can sell items to people locally or from across the globe. You need to consider what the shipping costs would be for the items when selling them to someone who is not local to ensure that you can still make money when you sell them.
If you want to sell the items to someone nearby, consider posting them on Craigslist or even in the Marketplace on Facebook. You can add pictures to the for-sale post and a small description so that only people who are interested contact you about the items.
3. Post the Items on Different Apps
There are also many apps available that you can use to sell items. The Letgo and the OfferUp app are both great options for selling items quickly and easily. You will need to be able to determine where you want to meet people to sell the items to them. Be sure to meet in public locations and take someone with you so that you can be as safe as possible at all times.
If you find that you are not able to sell certain items, you may want to consider donating them to a local charity. The value of the donation can then count as a deduction when you file your taxes. While it is not an immediate way to get money for your items, it is a way to get money for them in the long run and not have to worry about moving the items when you move across the country.